Hello Cadets Attending summer training this year, the joining instructions have now gone national.  All information is posted on the Canada.ca website. You Can access this page by clicking on the link below:


Please read the joining instructions and carefully and have the necessary forms needed prior to your travel.

However for you convenience, I have attached the common forms and kit list below:

Common Kit List

Direct Deposit Form

Transportation Form

Medication Record Form

Property Log Form

Time Off Request Form

Please see below for information regarding each CTC

Argonaut Cadet Training Centre (CTC) Bagotville Cadet Training Centre (CTC) Blackdown Cadet Training Centre (CTC) Cold Lake Cadet Training Centre (CTC)
HMCS Ontario Cadet Training Centre (CTC) HMCS Quadra Cadet Training Centre (CTC) Rocky Mountain Cadet Training Centre (CTC) St-Jean Cadet Training Centre (CTC)
Trenton Cadet Training Centre (CTC) Valcartier Cadet Training Centre (CTC) Vernon Cadet Training Centre (CTC) Whitehorse Cadet Training Centre (CTC)

Staff Cadets (SCdt)

SCdt pre-requisites and additional information is contained within CJCR Gp Order 5530-5Staff Cadet Employment.

Upon accepting a SCdt position and prior to the start of their employment period, SCdts will be required to provide a copy of their valid Social Insurance Number (SIN) card or paper copy and banking information to their Regional Cadet Support Unit (RSCU) J1 Staffing. A cadet selected for a SCdt position will not be authorized to begin their period of employment without first providing a valid SIN and personal bank account information to their RCSU J1 section.

Compensation rates for SCdts may be found in CANCDTGEN 010/24Staff Cadet Employment Rates of Pay – 1 June 2024. All SCdts will receive a statement of earnings. Please note that errors and delays in returning paperwork may cause delays in pay.

SCdts are required to complete the same forms as course cadets found above.

SCdts are hired often without a determination of what role they will fill. A SCdt orientation is conducted to determine what role and corresponding rank a staff cadet may be promoted to.

The following checklist of items required specific to SCdts:

  • Proof of Social Insurance Number (Card or Letter)
  • Personal Tax Credit Return – TD1
  • Direct Deposit Form – Attach a void cheque, stamped bank slip, or account information print out from online banking.
  • Service Number Check form
  • Unsupervised day trips form

Submission of required information may be done by mail to your home RCSU staffing office or on Cadet365 through the online Submission Form.